FPCC WorkRocks was a participatory process to develop a country-specific Journey of Change for children. Convened by national faith councils and UNICEF, diverse religious leaders, including women and youth leaders, joined with UNICEF country office representatives for an intensive four-day long WorkRock. Inspired by heart-mind dialogue, participants drew on their own childhood experiences, their own formative research conducted with the children and youth of their communities, and their general experiences to spotlight priorities for positive change for children's issues. They framed action plans, and in some cases formalized Declarations, at personal, institutional, and national levels and developed a detailed Journey of Change strategy to address the issues. Most importantly, all representatives made a resounding commitment to continued collaboration and change for children.
The WorkRocks 2019 event grew out of the first Global Evidence Review and Regional and Country Planning Workshop 2018 held in Bangkok.
The following are the focal countries that conducted the initial set of WorkRocks. Click on a country below to find information about the particular country WorkRock.
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